
The $50 registration fee will include all weekend activities including access to Mission Way, Keynote Speaker sessions, Men’s & Women’s Speakers, Breakout Sessions, Evening Socials, etc. The cost does not include lodging, food, travel or Mission Way purchases. Registration will change to $75 per participant starting September 18.

Who is considered to be a Young Adult?

This event is not for those in high school, but those over 18, and those under the age of 40. The USCCB defines Young Adults as 18-39. There are many life stages of those in this age range, each having different needs and reflecting those different life changes people experience. Our goal is to provide talks and breakout sessions for young adults in all stages of life whether they are single, discerning religious life, engaged, married with or without children.

is the conference limited to Montana young adults only?

All young adults, no matter their location or stage of life, are welcome to attend the conference.

What is Mission Way?

Mission way will provide an opportunity for the young adults to get involved with their Catholic communities. Our vendors will range from parishes, ministries, councils, business and more. Vendors are asked to provide materials, knowledge or any other kind of information to educate our participants about their specialty. Businesses are also welcome to sell items that may pertain to the Catholic faith- especially devotional items, books or souvenirs to take home.

Lodging & Food

A block of rooms are reserved. Visit our lodging page for more details. Meals are not included in the registration costs. However, food trucks and pre-ordered lunch options will be available for Saturday Day. We will also provide a list of nearby restaurants and quick eats near the venues and hotels.

Evening Socials

Friday night, all are welcome to join us for some desserts and ice cream after Adoration & Benediction. Saturday evening we will be switching locations to Thirsty Street Brewing Co. for a live band, dancing and cash bar. You do not need to be 21 or over to attend!