Your donation means so much to us!


Our Beginning

In the Summer of 2019, several young adult Catholics from multiple local Billings parishes felt the call to take action on what the Holy Spirit had been stirring in their hearts for years.

They knew that if all the parishes in town could come together to grow in Christ’s love, we would all be so much stronger.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, those individuals all attended one of the St. Pius X Theology on Tap summer events. Without knowing, they all had the same agenda on their hearts: to set in motion a citywide Catholic young adult group, inclusive of all parishes.

Since then, we’ve worked together to create a place where young adults feel at home and empowered to live a life of virtue, as intentional disciples of Jesus Christ.

We have accomplished so much in our first year, and plan to continue to grow. However, we have reached the point where we need financial aid in order to continue fulfilling our mission. Your donation will enable us to further our reach and enrich the Billings Catholic Young Adult experience.

Some things your donation will help pay for:

  • Food so that we can serve more brunches for the needy at St. Vincent de Paul

  • Resources for book and Bible studies

  • Meeting room reservations for book and Bible studies

  • Event costs

  • Website costs

  • Entry fees to races and sporting events

  • …and so much more!

Current Collections

Our upcoming events need your support!

Fall Book Study: Donations will go toward room reservation expenses.

Priest Appreciation Dinner: Donations will help purchase our menu items in order for us to prepare dinner and wine for our religious brothers and sisters.
