The Billings Catholic Young Adults will make and serve a brunch (breakfast burritos) to our brothers and sisters at St. Vincent de Paul.
Prep takes place at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, 2055 Woody Dr. (7:30-9:00AM)
Serving takes place at St. Vincent de Paul, 3005 1st Ave S (9:30AM-12:00PM)
We plan on serving approximately 90 people, and our goal is to have 180 breakfast burritos available.
You can contribute by donating food items, volunteering your time, or both, on the day of Saturday, June 27th.
Click the link below to sign up!
If you purchase items, please bring them to St. Thomas at 7:30am the morning of Saturday, June 27, for prep. If you are able to help prepare the food, please come to St. Thomas at 7:30am. Following prep and clean up, we will have breakfast together around 9:00am and then proceed to SVdP to serve brunch.
If you are able to serve at SVdP, the serving opportunity runs from 9:30am- 12:00pm. Come for as long as you are able. Any amount of time you are able to give to this ministry will make a huge impact.
Thank you all, for your willingness to help make a difference through this meaningful ministry.