Join the Billings Catholic Young Adults for an hour of peaceful, prayerful public witness as we join the 40 Days for Life Campaign: the beginning of the end of abortion.
Where: Sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood
100 West Wicks Lane
Billings, Montana 59105
When: Sunday, October 11th, 1:00-2:00pm
Bring your rosary as we will be praying the rosary along with short pro-life meditations that go along with the mysteries during our hour long shift.
Park on Babcock or on Wicks east of Planned Parenthood's entrance to their parking lot.
Everyone in attendance must sign a Statement of Peace (inside the "office" -- which is an RV parked in front of Planned Parenthood.) Then, sign in on the clipboard in the RV and pray the prayer on the prayer card together with the others on your shift and those who are just finishing their shift.
You may walk, stand, or sit during your shift, staying out of the way of pedestrians. But STAY ON WICKS LANE so that passers-by can see that you're there!